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Elastomer Caster(E Series)  ER-75EL  YUEI

Elastomer Caster(E Series) ER-75EL YUEI

【order ID】3803155
【basic item number】ER75EL
【brand name】YUEI
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】YUEI CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Finished with classy chrome plating.A materials that is difficult to trace on the floor surface.(daN):30Allowable Weight (kgf):30.6Wheel Diameter D (mm):75Wheel Width (mm):21Mounting Height H (mm):92Mounting Plate A x B (mm):70 x 42Mounting Pitch X x Y (mm):56 x 28Mounting Hole Diameter P (mm):6.5Plate TypeFixed TypeMetal Fitting: SteelMetal Fitting Surface Treatment: Chrome Plated FinishingWheel: Elastomer

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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