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Nylon Wheel Rubber Caster  413YS-UB100 BAR01  HAMMER CASTER

Nylon Wheel Rubber Caster 413YS-UB100 BAR01 HAMMER CASTER

【order ID】3929604
【basic item number】413YSUB100BAR01
【brand name】HAMMER CASTER
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】HAMMER CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Implements lightweight and strengthening considering environment by heat treatment to special steel.Implements light turning performance.(daN):160Allowable Weight (kgf):163.2Wheel Diameter D (mm):100Wheel Width (mm):32Mounting Height H (mm):132Mounting Plate A x B (mm):90 x 90Mounting Pitch X x Y (mm):68 to 71 x 68 to 71Mounting Hole Diameter P (mm):11Plate TypeWith radial ball bearingFlexible Type (with stopper)Metal fitting: Special steelMetal Fitting Surface Treatment: Unichrome Plated FinishingWheel: Nylon Wheel, Thermoplastic Urethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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