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Pressure Gauge  1321116  Takashima

Pressure Gauge 1321116 Takashima

【order ID】4686252
【basic item number】1321116
【brand name】Takashima
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】TAKASHIMA
【Country of origin】Japan
Glycerin is sealed inside the pressure gauge to protect the internal mechanism and provide outstanding durability and earthquake resistance.

Ideal for locations with severe vibrations and pulsations that are considered impossible with pressure gauges.

Pressure range (MPa): 0.0 to 1.6
Minimum scale (MPa): 0.05
Designation: GR A G3/8 75X1.6MPa
Shape: A type
Outer diameter (mm): 75
Measurement fluid: Gas, liquid
Wetted parts material:
Stock: Brass (C3604)
Bourdon tube: Brass (C2700.C2680)
Accuracy: ±2.5%F.S.
Port size: G3/8


Outer frame material SUS

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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