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Protective Sheet against Welding Glare With Aluminum flame  TYAF-2020-DG  TRUSCO

Protective Sheet against Welding Glare With Aluminum flame TYAF-2020-DG TRUSCO

【order ID】8563498
【basic item number】TYAF2020DG 3100
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】0

Shields harmful ultraviolet rays during welding and creates a comfortable working environment.Beautiful appearance made of aluminum, and light and durable.Since the frame is an infixing type, anyone can easily assemble it.The angles of the legs can be adjusted and the fence can be freely connected.Casters sold separately can be mounted.For measures to protect eyes from harmful rays generated during welding work.Frame Interior Dimension (W x H) (mm):2000 x 2000Color:Dark GreenFoot Shape:Fixed Foot(foundation)Japan Fire Retardant Association Flame Retardant Performance Test Number acquired(AT860027)Aluminum frameSheet thickness: 0.35mmFrame diameter: 25mm squareSheet: PVC

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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