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PVC Clear Pipe  TV25X2M  KC

PVC Clear Pipe TV25X2M KC

【order ID】4465687
【basic item number】TV25X2M 2305
【brand name】KC
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】KUBOTA ChemiX Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】0

A transparent PVC pipe with excellent corrosion resistance and chemical resistance. It has the same outer diameter as the VP pipe and can be connected to PVC couplings.For double layer tubes and water drain pipes inside the factory that required confirmation of fluid.Nominal Diameter (mm):25L (mm):2000D (mm):32t (mm):3.5Working Temperature Range: 5 to 35CMax working pressure: 1.0MPaPressureless drainage working temperature range 5 to 60CHard Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

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