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Polybest Hardener (Hardener for Fiber Reinforced Plastics)  262915  SUNDAY

Polybest Hardener (Hardener for Fiber Reinforced Plastics) 262915 SUNDAY

【order ID】8186519
【basic item number】262915
【brand name】SUNDAY
【minimum order quantity】1Can
【manufacturer name】SUNDAY PAINT CO.,LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

Curing agent to add to polyester resin.Used for forming and repairing of FRP.Color:TransparentCapacity (g):100The addition amount for polybest main agent(weight ratio): 10%(temperature 10 to 15C), 7%(temperature 15 to 25C), 5%(temperature 25 to 30C)Unsaturated polyester resin curing agentPlease measure the curing agent with scales before adding.Please do not add the curing agent all at once but little by little.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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