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Adhesive sheet that peels off cleanly  144379  ASAHIPEN

Adhesive sheet that peels off cleanly 144379 ASAHIPEN

【order ID】1265740
【basic item number】144379
【brand name】ASAHIPEN
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】Asahipen Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
It is an adhesive type sheet that can be removed cleanly by simply peeling off the backing paper.
The surface strength of the sheet is approximately 10 times greater.
Special 3-layer coating ensures long-lasting beauty. (*Compared to in-house products)

For decoration of desks, doors, cabinets, washstands, furniture, accessories, etc.


Surfaces that can be pasted: Smooth surfaces such as plastic, decorative plywood, metal, painted surfaces, etc.

Base material (olefin resin), adhesive (acrylic resin), backing paper (paper)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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