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Kyoryoku Type kabegamiyo Nori    156662  ASAHIPEN

Kyoryoku Type kabegamiyo Nori 156662 ASAHIPEN

【order ID】1267383
【basic item number】156662
【brand name】ASAHIPEN
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】Asahipen Corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan
It can be used as is without thinning, and exhibits excellent adhesion effects on old wall paper surfaces, uneven substrates such as poorly adhesive walls such as brick walls and sand walls, decorative plywood, and glossy painted surfaces.
Contains a mold agent to prevent mold from forming.
The adhesive effect will be further enhanced if used on rewet paper that is applied by applying water to the back side.
You can correct pattern alignment and positioning until the glue dries.

For walls of vinyl wall paper, paper wall paper, and cloth wall paper.


Strong type wall paper glue 800G 774

Modified starch, synthetic resin, mold agent

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