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Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Hyper Saw XS130S  380131  REX

Hyper Saw XS130S 380131 REX

【order ID】3909506
【basic item number】380131
【brand name】REX
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】REX INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Taiwan
Safety has been improved by adopting a slow start switch.
You can replace the saw blade with one touch.
Dial type speed control is advantageous for cutting stainless steel pipes.
The switch is a lock-on type, which is advantageous for long-term disconnections.

Dismantling and removing existing pipes, etc.

Cutting capacity (mm) PVC pipe: 130
Number of strokes (min [[-1]]): 1000 to 2800
Stroke (mm): 27
Width (mm): 100
Length (mm): 475
Power consumption (W): 1200
Power cord length (m): 2.5
Cutting capacity (mm) Mild steel material: 19
Cutting capacity (mm) Pipe: 130
Height (mm): 163

Power supply: AC100V
Power cord length: 2.5m


【Set contents/accessories】
Replacement blade (XSK34)
Hexagonal wrench

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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