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Urethan Paint for Building  H06-1613 03  ROCK

Urethan Paint for Building H06-1613 03 ROCK

【order ID】3823318
【basic item number】H06161303
【brand name】ROCK
【minimum order quantity】1Can
【manufacturer name】ROCK PAINT
【Country of origin】Japan

With excellent weather resistance and durability, it keeps beautiful initial coating film for a long period.It has mild odor and oil odor like oil-based blending paint is less, it is excellent in alga proofing/antibacterial property.Indoor/outdoor concrete, mortar, iron parts, new type roof tile, slate.Color:RedCapacity (L):0.7Drying time: Approx. 8 hours(summer), approx. 24 hours(winter)Possible Time for Recoat: 24 hours or more (20C)One-component Type, Oil-based, Has LusterCoat area: 2.5 to 3[[M2]](double coat)Oil-based polyurethane type

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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