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Cylindrical Roller Bearings  NU330C3  NTN

Cylindrical Roller Bearings NU330C3 NTN

【order ID】8197007
【basic item number】NU330C3
【brand name】NTN
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】Japan

As the roller and the orbital plane are in line contact, it is a bearing that load capacity of the radial load is large.Since the roller is guided by the collar of the outer ring or inner ring, it is structurally suitable for high speed rotation as well. Moreover, it can be separated from the inner and outer wheels because it is a separate type.Can not receive any axial load.For automobiles and industrial machines in general.Inner Ring Diameter (mm):150Outer Ring Diameter (mm):320Width (mm):65Seal: NonePrecision Grade: JIS B 1514 0 classWorking Temperature Range: -25 to 120CHigh Carbon Chromium Steel Bearing

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