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Cremona Rope  V10-200  YUTAKAMAKE

Cremona Rope V10-200 YUTAKAMAKE

【order ID】7949481
【basic item number】V10-200
【brand name】YUTAKAMAKE
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】YUTAKA MAKE Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Smooth and easily handled strong rope that is excellent in weather resistance and durability.For various operation, safety cable and evacuation.Color:WhiteWire Diameter x L (mm x m):10 x 200Packaging:Band WinderVinylonRopes other than V3200 are made cremona rope. Cremona is made of vinylon original yarn manufactured by Kuraray.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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