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HIGRIP Safety Boots  21400054-26.0  MIDORI ANZEN

HIGRIP Safety Boots 21400054-26.0 MIDORI ANZEN

【order ID】1256232
【basic item number】NHG1000SPBK26.0
【brand name】MIDORI ANZEN
【minimum order quantity】1Pair
【manufacturer name】MIDORI ANZEN CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan

Non-slip shoe sole suitable for work on a slippery floor surface such as oil and water.Shoe sole which is also hard to get clogged with foreign substances, etc.Since inorganic antibacterial agents such as silver are incorporated, the antibacterial effect lasts semi-permanently.Dimension (cm):26.0Foot Width Size:EEEShoe Length (cm):35Pressure Resistant Load: 10plus or minus0.1kNBody and sole: polyvinyl chloride(PVC)Toe Box: Steel

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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