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Norton H875P Disc Paper  2DP125H875PG036  NORTON

Norton H875P Disc Paper 2DP125H875PG036 NORTON

【order ID】1161744
【basic item number】2DP125H875PG036
【brand name】NORTON
【minimum order quantity】50Sheet
【manufacturer name】Saint-Gobain K.K.
【Country of origin】USA

Exhibits aggressive cutting power and high wear resistance with original zirconia alumina abrasive grain Norzon.With thick base material that is resistant to breakage, provides excellent performance even under tough work conditions.Base polishing of woodworking, furniture and before coating, rust removal, burring, putty grinding for vessel and automobile repairing.Grain Size (#):#36Color:BlackOuter Diameter (mm):127Max Working Rotation Speed (rpm):12000Max Working Peripheral Velocity: 78.5m/s (4710m/min)Zirconia alumina abrasive grain

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