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Blaze F980 Fiber Disc  2FI100F98036  NORTON

Blaze F980 Fiber Disc 2FI100F98036 NORTON

【order ID】8193747
【basic item number】2FI100F98036
【brand name】NORTON
【minimum order quantity】25Sheet
【manufacturer name】Saint-Gobain K.K.
【Country of origin】USA

A fiber disc having excellent sharpness and durability by using SG blaze ceramic abrasive grains.Suppresses heat influences with super-sized coating.The outer diameter 102mm type includes a dedicated backup pad while the outer diameter 178mm type is sold separately.Gridning, polishing, bead removal, burr removal, and chamfering of standard steel, stainless steel, and heat-resistant steel.Grain Size (#):36Outer Diameter x Hole Diameter (mm):102 x 16Max Working Rotation Speed (rpm):13700Max Working Peripheral Velocity: 72m/s (4300m/min)SG blaze new generation ceramic abrasive grains

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