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SG Blaze[[RU]] 3D Non-Woven Disc Quick-Change  2QC50SGB3DXC  NORTON
SG Blaze[[RU]] 3D Non-Woven Disc Quick-Change  2QC50SGB3DXC  NORTON
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, SG Blaze[[RU]] 3D Non-Woven Disc Quick-Change  2QC50SGB3DXC  NORTON
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, SG Blaze[[RU]] 3D Non-Woven Disc Quick-Change  2QC50SGB3DXC  NORTON

SG Blaze[[RU]] 3D Non-Woven Disc Quick-Change 2QC50SGB3DXC NORTON

【order ID】4133951
【basic item number】2QC50SGB3DXC
【brand name】NORTON
【minimum order quantity】10Pcs
【manufacturer name】Saint-Gobain K.K.
【Country of origin】USA

Due to the 3D structure that enables use of the bottom, top, and sides, it can handle complicated shapes and inner perimeter polishing.The next-generation ceramic abrasive grains of SG Blaze[[TMU]] realize speedy work and a few times higher durability.Standardly equipped with the quick change plus holder for 3D work.Burr removal, rust removal, grain erasing, and paint removal of standard steel, stainless steel, titanium, high-nickel steel, aluminum, brass, and copper.Grain Size (P):120 to 150Outer Diameter x W x Shaft Diameter x Shaft Length (mm):50 x 13 x 6 x 4Max Working Rotation Speed (rpm):25000Non-woven fabric abrasive material: SG Blaze[[TMU]] ceramic alumina abrasive grainsHolder x 1 piece

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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