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Disposable PVC Gloves  53515  SARAYA

Disposable PVC Gloves 53515 SARAYA

【order ID】1762072
【basic item number】53515
【brand name】SARAYA
【minimum order quantity】1Box
【manufacturer name】Saraya Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】China
Thin and economical.
Contains no natural rubber and is designed to prevent rough hands.

Water-related work, nursing care, etc.

Color: Clear
Size: M
Total length (cm): 24.0
Palm circumference (cm): 19.0
Middle finger length (cm): 8.0
Thickness (mm): 0.06
Powder (with/without): None

For left and right use

Polyvinyl chloride

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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