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Sash Roller  ABS-0201  YOKODUNA

Sash Roller ABS-0201 YOKODUNA

【order ID】8495925
【basic item number】ABS-0201
【brand name】YOKODUNA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Yokoduna Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
Can be installed with one touch.
Equipped with height adjustment function. (Adjustment width 39mm)

Windows, entrances, sliding doors, etc.
For sash replacement.

Load capacity (kg) when using 2 pieces: 30
Wheel diameter D (mm): 42
Wheel I (mm): 4
Overall length A (mm): 70
Aluminum width K (mm): 21 ~ 25
Aluminum Height (mm): 50

Stainless steel car with bearing
For parallel lower stile

Outer frame: SUS301
Inner frame: SUS304

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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