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Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller  BRHVV-45  CCTY

Best Roller BRHVV-45 CCTY

We have standardized a convenient and rational bearing with a special shape that does not require a stepped shaft or mounting collar.
Durability is achieved by using special wide bearings and high-quality ether-based thermosetting urethane rubber.

For logistics machines such as sorting machines and elevating machines such as elevators.


Best roller 45mm heavy load protruding type on both sides


【Set contents/accessories】

When performing maintenance and inspection, be sure to turn off the power to the mechanical equipment and ensure that the machine has completely stopped operating before starting work.
Do not use the machine in a state where there is poor contact with the installation surface.
Load varies greatly depending on usage conditions (shock, unbalanced load, temperature, humidity, road surface conditions, etc.)
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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