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Scissors  266428  clover

Scissors 266428 clover

【order ID】4955952
【basic item number】266428 2517
【brand name】clover
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】CLOVER MFG.CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】0
This is a masterpiece made by a scissor craftsman with great care.
These luxurious scissors are made of stainless steel SUS410 as the base metal, and the steel is a composite steel material of Yasuki Steel's SLD high-grade knife steel.
It has a large amount of carbon and has excellent hardness and wear resistance, allowing you to enjoy exceptionally smooth cutting.
We can resharpen the blade for a fee.

Also suitable for cotton, wool, and chemical fibers.

Blade length (mm): 115
Blade thickness (mm): 4.2
Total length (mm): 265
Type: For cloth cutting


Blade: SLD steel, SUS410
Handle: White malleable cast iron

【Set contents/accessories】

After use, please clean with sewing machine oil etc.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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