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N Punching  21-231  clover
N Punching  21-231  clover
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, N Punching  21-231  clover

N Punching 21-231 clover

【order ID】1149969
【basic item number】21231
【brand name】clover
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】CLOVER MFG.CO.,LTD
【Country of origin】Japan

A punching convenient for detailed work.The form, comfortably fitting in hand and easy to use, is highly evaluated.For detailed work such as arranging edges of cloth, transferring cloth while sewing, unfastening thread, etc.Total Length (mm):113Blade Length (mm):54Color:HandleHandle: ABS resinAnti-slip: synthetic rubberNeedle Tip: steel S45C(nickel plating)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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