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Clinching Mini Pliers  01080022  Freund

Clinching Mini Pliers 01080022 Freund

【order ID】3803976
【basic item number】01080022
【brand name】Freund
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】P.E. Freund & Cie. GmbH
【Country of origin】Germany
It is a small size Tsukamibashi that is easy to handle.
Ideal for bending and crushing sheet metal.
Since the mouth closes parallel, the sheet metal is less likely to be damaged.
The handle has a grip and is non-slip.

For bending and crushing sheet metal.

Total length (mm): 180
Tip length (mm): 32
Mouth width (mm): 22
Type: Straight


Tool steel
Grip: Vinyl chloride (PVC)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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