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Clinching Bent Pliers  01090060  Freund

Clinching Bent Pliers 01090060 Freund

【order ID】3803979
【basic item number】01090060
【brand name】Freund
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】P.E. Freund & Cie. GmbH
【Country of origin】Austria
Can bend sheet metal with a 45° angled tip.
Ideal for crushing sheet metal.
Since the mouth closes parallel, the sheet metal is less likely to be damaged.
The handle has a grip and is non-slip.
The handle is long and can be gripped with both hands, allowing you to apply strong force. -Carefully forged and durable.

For bending and crushing sheet metal.

Total length (mm): 280
Tip length (mm): 48
Mouth width (mm): 60
Type: Offset


Tool steel
Grip: Vinyl chloride (PVC)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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