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Signage Cover  129037  GREEN CROSS

Signage Cover 129037 GREEN CROSS

【order ID】1479799
【basic item number】129037
【brand name】GREEN CROSS
【minimum order quantity】1Set
【manufacturer name】
【Country of origin】Japan
Polyethylene with excellent cushioning properties reduces damage caused by collisions with pedestrians and bicycles, and protects signboards.
The shape allows for one-touch installation; no screws, adhesives, or tools are required.

For mitigating the impact of collisions with construction signboards.

Color: Blue
Installation specifications: Fitted
Total length (mm): 1700
Effective width (mm): 10 to 40
Mass per piece (g): 68

Set product: 1 set of 2
Can be cut

Foamed polyethylene

【Set contents/accessories】- 1 piece for left frame, 1 piece for right frame

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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