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Welding Blanket BASIC(Both Side Coated)  TSP-4BWP  TRUSCO

Welding Blanket BASIC(Both Side Coated) TSP-4BWP TRUSCO

【order ID】8563610
【basic item number】TSP4BWP
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Sheet
【Country of origin】Japan

Excellent cost performance, highly versatile type.With 3 color variations, color coding is possible according to possession classification, work content, etc.Flame resistant fiber fabrics are coated with special silicone on both sides.Non-asbestos/non-ceramic safe product, also containing no fibers that induce skin irritation.A type to repel sparks, slag.As a welding spark receiving sheet, fire proof curtain, and curing sheet.Type:No. 4Number of Eyelets:16A:470Eyelet Pitch (mm) B:470W x L (mm):1920 x 1920JIS A 1323 Class A Passing No. 03A0188(foundation)Japan Fire Retardant Association Flame Retardant Performance Test compliant No. CO050010Thickness: Approx. 1mmFlame Resistant Fiber FabricsSilicone(pink)double-sided processing

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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