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Spiral Fluted Tap for tapping Cored Holes in Aluminum  SY8.0NSLXT  YAMAWA

Spiral Fluted Tap for tapping Cored Holes in Aluminum SY8.0NSLXT YAMAWA

【order ID】2151951
【basic item number】SY8.0NSLXT
【brand name】YAMAWA
【minimum order quantity】1
【manufacturer name】YAMAWA MFG. Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan
Machining time can be shortened because tapping can be done directly into the cast hole.

For blind hole machining.
Work material: Aluminum alloy casting.
For fully synchronous lead feeder only.

Nominal size: M8
Pitch (mm): 1.25
Surface treatment: Coating

Number of grooves: 3
Shank length: 54mm
Underneck length: 30mm
Oil hole diameter: 1mm

Ultrafine particle cemented carbide (HF)

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