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Multi Borer 21.0  601-210  STAR-M
Multi Borer 21.0  601-210  STAR-M
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Multi Borer 21.0  601-210  STAR-M
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Multi Borer 21.0  601-210  STAR-M

Multi Borer 21.0 601-210 STAR-M

【order ID】1252073
【basic item number】601-210
【brand name】STAR-M
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】STAR-M CORPORATION
【Country of origin】Japan
Can drill holes not only in bamboo but also in acrylic, PVC, hard rubber, etc.
Since it is an acute angle type, it can be drilled by the amount of force applied.
Less burrs and cracks at both the inlet and outlet.
Easy to position on the material.

Work material: wood, hardwood, bamboo, PVC, acrylic, hard rubber.
For through/stop holes

Blade diameter (mm): 21
Groove length (mm): 75
Total length (mm): 125
Shank shape: Hexagonal shaft
Shank diameter (mm): 6.35


Normal steel, electroless nickel plating finish

【Set contents/accessories】

When drilling into resin materials, please use a splint before drilling.
Always wear protective equipment when working.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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