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Pipe Insertion type Urethane Caster(EN Series)  4202EN-UB100 BAR01  HAMMER CASTER

Pipe Insertion type Urethane Caster(EN Series) 4202EN-UB100 BAR01 HAMMER CASTER

【order ID】3984761
【basic item number】4202ENUB100BAR01
【brand name】HAMMER CASTER
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】HAMMER CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

An attaching-to-pipe caster able to be easily attached and detached by using dedicated spanner.(daN):60Allowable Weight (kgf):61.2Wheel Diameter D (mm):100Wheel Width (mm):27Mounting Height H (mm):126Shaft Length L (mm):52Mounting Pipe Outer Diameter T (mm):38Pipe inserted typeAttached pipe thickness: possible up to 1.8mmFlexible TypeMetal Fitting: SteelMetal fitting surface treatment: Chrome plated finishingWheel: Nylon wheel, thermoplastic urethane(with B)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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