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Pipe Insertion type Caster  K00BKT-S50 BAR01  HAMMER CASTER

Pipe Insertion type Caster K00BKT-S50 BAR01 HAMMER CASTER

【order ID】3985041
【basic item number】K00BKTS50BAR01
【brand name】HAMMER CASTER
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】HAMMER CASTER Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

An inserted type caster able to choose the installation method and installation location by selecting a socket and a bracket.The caster can be installed at various locations by using a socket and a bracket.Compatible Model:420 , 415K TypeItem Name:BracketPipe inserted typeMetal Fitting: SteelMetal fitting surface treatment: Chrome plated finishingWheel: RubberMetal Fitting: SteelMetal fitting surface treatment: Trivalent chromium chemical conversion treatment

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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