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Alcohol Disinfectant  17-422  KYK

Alcohol Disinfectant 17-422 KYK

【order ID】2511097
【basic item number】17422 2556
【brand name】KYK
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】KOGA Chemical Mfg Co.,Ltd.
【Country of origin】0
Highly concentrated alcohol disinfectant with 70% ethanol concentration.
Contains sodium lactate, which enhances the disinfecting effect of alcohol.
Made in Japan for peace of mind.
Easy to disinfect by simply using it in areas where hygiene is a concern, such as offices, homes (around entrances, kitchens, toilets, doorknobs, handrails, tables, desks, chairs, etc.), and inside cars.
This product is not a pharmaceutical or quasi-drug, but can be used for hand disinfection as a substitute for disinfectant ethanol.

For disinfecting areas not affected by alcohol in offices, homes, and cars.

Capacity (ml): 4000
Fragrance: No fragrance added
Size: 4L bottle
Structure: 4L bottle
Capacity: 4L

Liquid: Neutral
500ml spray container included

Isopropyl alcohol
Sodium lactate

【Set contents/accessories】
500ml spray bottle
Transfer nozzle

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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