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Caster Stop  KGH-77  HIKARI
Caster Stop  KGH-77  HIKARI
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Caster Stop  KGH-77  HIKARI

Caster Stop KGH-77 HIKARI

【order ID】3874273
【basic item number】KGH77
【brand name】HIKARI
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】HIKARI CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Taiwan

A wheel stopper convenient to fix casters, prevent vibration and noise, and protect floors.As it is made of elastomer, color staining is hard-to-occur.Color:BrownDiameter x Thickness(mm):80 x 24Inner Diameter (mm):55Compatible Caster:50mm double wheel casterElastomer resinPlease use on a horizontal place after confirming existence of wobbling.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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