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t-grip hex key wrench  6500-L-5.0  SUNFLAG

t-grip hex key wrench 6500-L-5.0 SUNFLAG

【order ID】8533464
【basic item number】6500-L-5.0
【brand name】SUNFLAG
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】SUNFLAG,
【Country of origin】Japan
Since it is molded with a single shaft bent into an L shape, it is extremely strong.
A hexagonal key wrench of the same size is placed at one end of the T-grip, so if you want to apply more force, use the L-shape.

For electrical installation work, vehicle maintenance, factory work, etc.

Size 5.0mm Weight 112g

Full body hardening

Shaft, special steel

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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