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Digital Thermometer  1740-00  SATO

Digital Thermometer 1740-00 SATO

【order ID】3923720
【basic item number】PC3300
【brand name】SATO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Sato Keiryoki Mfg. Co., Ltd
【Country of origin】China

This thermometer displays the highest and the lowest temperatures at all times.A sensor built into the main body can measure down to -5C, and low temperature down to -50C can also be measured with the use of an external sensor, which makes it convenient for controlling refrigerator temperature(switching type).Measuring Temperature Range (C):-5 to 50 (IN)-50 to 70 (OUT)Temperature Min Display (C):1Measurement Item: TemperaturePower Supply: Button Type Alkaline Battery (LR44)x 1 (accessory)W x D x H: 67 x 16 x 65mmExternal Sensor Cord Length: Approx. 3m

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