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Thermometer  S270WP-03(8079-03)  SATO

Thermometer S270WP-03(8079-03) SATO

【order ID】1146085
【basic item number】S270WP03
【brand name】SATO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Sato Keiryoki Mfg. Co., Ltd
【Country of origin】Taiwan

Equipped with an HACCP function, when food cooking time and food cooking temperature are reached, it is notified by LED and buzzer.The whole of it can be washed with running water because its waterproof property is compliant with IP67 in a state in which the sensor is connected.The circumference of the indicator case is protected by rubber, which reduces damage due to falling.The screw structure of the main body has been re-examined and changed to a structure which reduces clogging of dust.Working Temperature Range (degreesC):-40 to 250Probe length(mm):3 x 400Power supply: AAA battery x 2(included)W x D x H: 70 x 40 x 171mmStandard sensor S270WP-01(included)Probe length: phi3 x 100mmCord length: 0.7mProtection grade: IP67 compliant

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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