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Flexible Stainless Hose(No Welded Union type)  TF-1832-300  TOFLE

Flexible Stainless Hose(No Welded Union type) TF-1832-300 TOFLE

【order ID】4398220
【basic item number】TF1832300
【brand name】TOFLE
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TOFLE CO., INC.
【Country of origin】China

Strong against twisting, excellent in repeated bending and vibration absorption, ensuring durability.With a large surface pressure, the seal is certain.Pipe core misalignment absorption and vibration absorption.(A):32Nominal Diameter (B):1-1/4Total Length (mm):300Max working pressure: 1MPaApplicable Fluid: Cold/hot water, airWorking Temperature Range: 0 to 100CFlexible Part: Stainless Steel (SUS304)Union Part: Cast Iron (FCMB)For air (gas fluid), we recommend using gasket paste.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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