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Flexible Stainless Hose(No Welded Flange type)  TF-48040-300  TOFLE

Flexible Stainless Hose(No Welded Flange type) TF-48040-300 TOFLE

【order ID】4398548
【basic item number】TF48040300
【brand name】TOFLE
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TOFLE CO., INC.
【Country of origin】China

Specifications of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.With a large surface pressure, the seal is certain.There is no welding in the assembly so there will be no material deterioration and rust due to welding.Welded type flexible TFR-3000 is available separately for oil, gas(limited to non-corrosive fluid)and steam.(make-to-order product)Pipe core misalignment absorption and vibration absorption.(A):40Nominal Diameter (B):1-1/2Total Length (mm):300Max working pressure: 1MPaApplicable Fluid: Cold/hot water, airWorking Temperature Range: 0 to 100CFlexible Part: Stainless Steel (SUS304)Flange Portion: Steel (SS 400)JIS standard non-asbestos packing can be used.

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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