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Super Win Soft Hose  SWH-8512  TOGAWA

Super Win Soft Hose SWH-8512 TOGAWA

【order ID】4115040
【basic item number】SWH8512
【brand name】TOGAWA
【minimum order quantity】1Roll
【manufacturer name】Togawa Industry corporation.
【Country of origin】Japan

Since slipping property of the hose is significantly improved, moving and working become more smoothly.Excellent in water resistance, elasticity, and airtightness, optimum for air tool piping.Color:GreenOuter Diameter x Inner Diameter (mm):12.5 x 8.5Total Length (m):100Thickness (mm):2.00Working Pressure: 1.5MPaWorking Temperature Range: -5 to 60CSpecial Elastomer Plastic

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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