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Chemical Protective Clothing  220-05007M  TORAY

Chemical Protective Clothing 220-05007M TORAY

【order ID】2475313
【basic item number】22005007M 4605
【brand name】TORAY
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC.
【Country of origin】0
A single-use protective suit for infection control that combines high barrier properties (class 6) against viruses and bacteria with comfort.
Easy to put on and take off, reducing the risk of secondary infection.

For infection control.

Color: White
Size: M
Suitable height (cm): 168-176
Suitable chest measurement (cm): 92-100

JIS T 8122 Blood barrier/virus barrier
Class 6/6 product (EN14605 spray test Type 4 compliant product)

Polypropylene, polyethylene nonwoven fabric + polyethylene film

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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