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Fresh Master  43927  Unicharm

Fresh Master 43927 Unicharm

【order ID】2568805
【basic item number】43927
【brand name】Unicharm
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】Unicharm Corporation
【Country of origin】Japan
Ideal for refrigerated storage, preparation, and natural thawing.
A large-sized freshness preservation sheet developed to maintain the freshness and flavor of ingredients.
Since the surface film is green, it is easy to tell which is the front and back, improving workability.

Used by wrapping or wrapping food in refrigerated storage of meat, fish, etc. at restaurants.

Color: Green
Sheet size (mm): 280 x 240
Quantity in pack: 1 roll (50 cuts)
Width (mm): 280
Depth (mm): 113
Height (mm): 113


Pulp nonwoven fabric, polyethylene film

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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