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Single-Function Core Drill E&S  ES-A220SDS  UNIKA

Single-Function Core Drill E&S ES-A220SDS UNIKA

【order ID】7486103
【basic item number】ES-A220SDS
【brand name】UNIKA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】UNIKA CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】Japan
Achieving low cost while maintaining machinability and durability.
Designed specifically for ALC boards, which are difficult-to-cut materials.
The cutting edge shape does not bite into reinforcing bars.

For air conditioning duct piping work.
Work material: ALC board (also cuts piano wire and bifurcated bars), gypsum board.

Blade diameter (mm): 220
Effective length (mm): 135
Shank: SDS

【Specification2】- Compatible electric motor: Lightweight hammer drill (rotation mode)

Body: Carbon steel
Blade: Carbide tip

【Set contents/accessories】

※For rotation only. Please do not subject it to vibration or impact.
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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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