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Timing Controller  GTTC02  VESSEL

Timing Controller GTTC02 VESSEL

【order ID】8106737
【basic item number】GTTC02 6080
【brand name】VESSEL
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】VESSEL CO.,INC.
【Country of origin】
The control range is wide and timing adjustment is easy.

Connect between the compressor and the slide air nipper to adjust the slide and cut timing.

Using air pressure (MPa) Integration: 0.6
Width (mm): 80
Depth (mm): 34
Height (mm): 46
Using air pressure (MPa): 0.6
With tube fitting (mm): Inner diameter 4 ×Outer diameter 6
Using air pressure (MPa): 0.6

Cut timing adjustment machine

Steel die casting

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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