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Aluminum Work Platform  TSF-4612-OC  TRUSCO

Aluminum Work Platform TSF-4612-OC TRUSCO

【order ID】8563445
【basic item number】TSF4612OC
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】China

This is a mobile work platform with outrigger that is effective as the safety measure.Because of the magnet holding caster structure, there will be no floating that has been caused by the conventional spring when using the platform, so you can use this in a stable way.Max Working Weight (kg):150Top Board Height (m):1.20Top Board Dimension (mm):600 x 400Installation Dimension (mm) W x D:920 x 1035Number of Steps:4Rung Surface Width: 200mmAssembly TypeAluminum

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