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Urethan Coated Gloves  FS-1217-1P M  COVERWORK

Urethan Coated Gloves FS-1217-1P M COVERWORK

【order ID】8258795
【basic item number】FS12171PM 2293
【brand name】COVERWORK
【minimum order quantity】1Pair
【manufacturer name】MIDORI ANZEN CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】
Uses special polyurethane that prevents adhesive tape from sticking to gloves, making it easy to work with.
The cuffs have double cuffs for a good fit.

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Color: Black
Size: M
Total length (cm): 22
Palm circumference (cm): 17
Middle finger length (cm): 7.5
Thickness (mm): 1
Type: Urethane Unlined


Gloves: Nylon
Non-slip: Polyurethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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