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Rubber Grinding Wheel  GCMH-2010  YANASE

Rubber Grinding Wheel GCMH-2010 YANASE

【order ID】8122588
【basic item number】GCMH2010 8073
【brand name】YANASE
【minimum order quantity】10Pcs
【manufacturer name】YANASE CO., LTD.
【Country of origin】
Compared to a whetstone with a shaft, you can obtain a uniform polished surface without leaving deep scratches.
Secondary burrs, return burrs, and chipping are less likely to occur.

Suitable for grinding cemented carbide, ceramics, etc.
For surface adjustment of molds and deburring precision parts.

Particle size (#): 220
Shape: Shell
Shaft diameter (mm): 6
Outer diameter x length 20 x 25/φ6/shaft length 35

Yanase rubber grindstone grinding bullet #220 20×25×6


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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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