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Putiputi  10590  KAWAKAMI

Putiputi 10590 KAWAKAMI

【order ID】4934041
【basic item number】10590
【brand name】KAWAKAMI
【minimum order quantity】1Pack
【manufacturer name】Kawakami Sangyo Co.,ltd.
【Country of origin】Japan

Packing is easy because the bag has been processed. Work efficiency is increased.Two-layer type of lightweight cushioning material that has excellent chemical resistance, water resistance, moisture resistance and light transmittance(transparency).Has been cut so it is easy to handle. Effective in improving work efficiency.Toxic gases are not generated at incineration.For packing when moving house.Protection and packaging of car parts, glass, ceramics, art objects.Count:d37W x L (mm):180 x 280Polyethylene (PE)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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