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Blow Drying Hanger  811000204  TENMA

Blow Drying Hanger 811000204 TENMA

【order ID】3963290
【basic item number】811000204
【brand name】TENMA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TENMA Corporation
【Country of origin】China
Can be installed without moving the washing machine.
Equipped with a convenient hanging bar that allows you to temporarily dry your laundry.
A laundry rack whose width and shelf position can be adjusted to suit the washing machine.
The position of the shelf can be adjusted from approximately 95cm to 175cm above the floor.


Width (mm): 720 to 930
Depth (mm): 580
Height (mm): 1850
External dimensions (mm) Frontage x depth x height: 720 to 930 x 580 x 1850

Maximum external dimensions (approx.): Width 72-93 x depth 58 x height 185cm
Overall load capacity (approx.): 15kg
Customer assembled product (no tools required)

Body: Stainless steel wrapped steel pipe, stainless steel pipe
Resin parts: Polypropylene, ABS resin
Metal parts: Steel (plated)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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