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Blow Drying Hanger  811000354  TENMA

Blow Drying Hanger 811000354 TENMA

【order ID】3963267
【basic item number】811000354
【brand name】TENMA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TENMA Corporation
【Country of origin】China
Equipped with casters for easy movement.
Can be stored compactly.
Suitable for large bath towels.


Load capacity (kg): 11
Width (mm): 930 to 1490
Depth (mm): 520
Height (mm): 1120 to 1800
External dimensions (mm) Frontage x depth x height: 930 to 1490 ×520×1120~1800


Stainless steel winding, steel pipe

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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