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Blow Drying Hanger  811000355  TENMA

Blow Drying Hanger 811000355 TENMA

【order ID】3963265
【basic item number】811000355
【brand name】TENMA
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】TENMA Corporation
【Country of origin】China
Using the auxiliary bar allows you to easily dry your futon on the inside.
It is telescopic and can be adjusted in width and height.


Width (mm): 1080-2410
Depth (mm): 570
Height (mm): 870-1250
External dimensions (mm) Frontage x Depth x Height: 1080-2410 x 570 x 870-1250

Stored: Width 1080 x Depth 90 x Height 870-940mm
Customer assembled product (no tools required)
Product weight (approx.): 4.9kg
Estimated amount that can be dried (approx.): 4 futons (2 semi-double + single 2 sheets)
Overall load capacity (approx.): 20kg

Body: Stainless steel wrapped steel pipe
Resin parts: Polypropylene, ABS resin, polyethylene
Hanger: Stainless steel
Metal parts: Steel (plated)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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