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Stainless Steel Picture Hook  B-2194  MIZUMOTO

Stainless Steel Picture Hook B-2194 MIZUMOTO

【order ID】3759857
【basic item number】B2194
【brand name】MIZUMOTO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【manufacturer name】Mizumoto Machine Mfg. Co., Ltd.
【Country of origin】China

The opening widely opens, and the work of hanging things is efficient.There is depth in the part to be hung, that can be hung with a thick tool.Set up on the wall, floor, pillar, etc., as a wall metal fitting for the chain, wire, and rope.It is used for a hook of items on food processing sites.D (mm):10A (mm):30B1 (mm):120B2 (mm):100H (mm):64d (mm):6.2h (mm):50L (mm):68t (mm):4Handing load (N/kgf):294.0/30Stainless Steel (SUS304)

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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