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Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Best Roller for Heavy Duty  BRH-40V  TRUSCO

Best Roller for Heavy Duty BRH-40V TRUSCO

【order ID】2337355
【basic item number】BRH40V
【brand name】TRUSCO
【minimum order quantity】1Pcs
【Country of origin】China

The bearing and urethane rubber are integrated to prevent delamination.Excellent quietness and durability.For various transport, escalators, elevators, machine tools and so on.Inner Diameter (mm):12Outer Diameter (mm):40Width (mm):14Total Width (mm):16Working temperature: Room temperatureBearing: Special wide bearingsInner Lace One Side Protruding TypeEther-based thermosetting urethane

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Delivery:approximate 2-3 business days to ship from Japan

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